You may want to view my YouTube videos: (Type in YouTube the exact title and look for the tile to come up for clicking on.)

    1. Biblical Genealogies Show Two Human Origins

    2. The Book of Genesis Assumes an Old Earth

    3. Was Adam the First Man According to Romans 5

    4. Creation Days Were Long Ages According to Genesis

    5. A Discovery in the Hebrew Language Reveals a Dual Human Origin

    6. Genesis 2 and 5 Do Not Contradict My Dual Origin Creation Thesis

    7. Outline of Genesis Reveals That God Used Two Methods of Creation

    8. Does 1 Corinthians 15 verse 45 Teach That Adam Was the First Man

    9. In 1 Corinthians 15 Verse 47 Who Is the First Man

    10. How Do You Harmonize the Bible and Science

    11. Can You Believe in Evolution and Be a Christian

12. The Descendants of Noah Who Were Scattered from Babel Were Able to Conquer Others


I hope you will have a pleasant visit to my blog. Please choose an article from the right column or scroll down below; Almost every article requires that you click on "Read more" to continue. My blog shows that, according to the Bible, God created mankind at two different times in two different manners. This understanding makes it possible to harmonize science and the Bible.


In December of 2020, I updated my book to the publisher. Please be sure your supplier provides this edition. AuthorHouse will always provide the latest edition. You may also email me for a book; this will assure a current edition is sent to you. See my profile for email address. The 2020 edition is now available on Amazon Kindle and as an ebook at AuthorHouse.

HALF OF MY BOOK IS ON ACADEMIA.EDU. To access it, please go to and type in the search box my name "Gary T. Mayer." Go down to the title "New Evidence for Two Human Origins" and click. Then for best results, DOWNLOAD the article (half of my book). This portion of my book on includes mathematical proof of a dual origins creation of the human race. Also it includes a new two-page chart that further shows what transpired with the decreasing life spans.

New Evidence for Two Human Origins

Are you interested in THE AGE OF THE EARTH, DARWINISM, THE HUMAN GENOME, BIBLICAL GENEALOGIES, HARMONIZING SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE? If so, here are some articles that might interest you. I have written a book on this subject entitled "New Evidence for Two Human Origins: Discoveries That Reconcile the Bible and Science." I hope you enjoy this blog which is meant to help us understand ourselves and God's Word. Please return to find new posts. Your comments and emails would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Revised June 14, 2014

1. If the Bible is supposed to teach that the creation days are only 24-hours long, why does Genesis 2:5 say the land was not yielding vegetation because there was no rain? This was before the creation of Adam and Eve and four days after the water was taken from the land. How could you expect to have vegetation this soon and wouldn’t the land still be wet from the water that just ran off of it four days before?

2. If Adam and Eve were the people who were created in Genesis 1, why does the Bible teach that these people were to be scavengers (v. 29) while Adam and Eve were apparently farmers? (Gen. 4:2)

3. If the earth is young, why does Genesis 2:4 say that those whose creation was recorded in Genesis 1 are the generations (meaning descendants) of the heavens and the earth? Adam was created directly out of the ground by special creation. Adam and Eve must be the beginning of a new race created in a different manner.

Friday, July 2, 2010


This post was taken from my book New Evidence for Two Human Origins: Discoveries That Reconcile the Bible and Science (2009 edition).1

Evidence for Theistic Evolution from Retrotransposons

In the past few years, great strides have been made in our understanding of the genome; some of these discoveries are destined to change the way we view our oringins. In his excellent timely article, "Human Evolution: How Random Process Fulfils [sic] Divine Purpose," Graeme Finlay explains how the human genome came to possess markers shared with other mammals. The natural processes that accomplished it have now been discovered. One of his examples of these processes is the retrotransposon.