Are you interested in THE AGE OF THE EARTH, DARWINISM, THE HUMAN GENOME, BIBLICAL GENEALOGIES, HARMONIZING SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE? If so, here are some articles that might interest you. I have written a book on this subject entitled "New Evidence for Two Human Origins: Discoveries That Reconcile the Bible and Science." I hope you enjoy this blog which is meant to help us understand ourselves and God's Word. Please return to find new posts. Your comments and emails would be greatly appreciated.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Extended Table of Contents from New Evidence for Two Human Origins
Revised: April 28, 2015
Thank you for visiting my blog on my book New Evidence for Two Human Origins: Discoveries That Reconcile the Bible and Science. Here is an extended table of contents that may be helpful to communicate to you the topics that are discussed in this book: CAUTION: THIS EXTENDED TABLE OF CONTENTS IS BEING UPDATED FROM THE 2009 EDITION TO THE 2015 EDITION. IT IS NOT ALL CORRECT!
List of Charts………………………………………………………..……....x
Chart 1: Relative Order of Events Relevant to the Thesis..............................7
Chart 2: Actual Life Spans of Adam’s Descendants…..................................16
Chart 3: Potential Life Spans of Four Generations after a Mixed
Marriage between the Races…………………………….……......................25
Chart 4: How Close Shem’s Life Span Is to One of His
Probable Life Spans…………………………….……….……......................27
Chart 5: How Close Arpachshad’s Life Span Is to One of
His Probable Life Spans………………………………….…….....................28
Chart 6: How Close Shelah’s Life Span Is to His One most
Probable Life Span…….……………………………………….....................33
Chart 7: How Close Eber’s Life Span Is to His One Most
Probable Life Span………………………..……………………....................34
Chart 8: How Close Peleg’s Life Span Is to One of His Most
Probable Life Span………....………..……………………………................37
Chart 9: How Close Reu’s Life Span Is to One of His
Probable Life Spans…………………………..……………….......................39
Chart 10: How Close Serug’s Life Span Is to One of His
Probable Life Spans…………….……….…………………….......................40
Chart 11: How Close Nahor I’s Life Span Is to One of His
Probable Life Spans…………….……………………………........................43
Chart 12: How Close Terah’s Life Span Is to One of His
Probable Life Spans…………….……………………………........................47
Chart 13: How Close Abraham’s Life Span Is to One of His
Probable Life Spans…………….……………………………........................49
Chart 14: How Close Isaac’s Life Span Is to One of His Probable
Life Spans………………………………………………….….......................51
Chart 15: Family Tree Back to Noah with Potential and Actual
Life Spans…………………………………………………......................52-55
Chart 16: Known Life Spans Compared with Probable
Theoretical Life Spans…………………………………………....................59
Chart 17: The Meaning of the Hebrew Word ’ed in Job 36:27…………......98
Chart 18: The Narrative through the Merging of the Races…………….....107
Chart 19: Implications of the Phrase "the sons of God"...............................136
Chart 20: The Structure of the Book of Genesis……………….....……….146
Chart 21: An Erroneous Interpretation……………………….....………....147
Chart 22: Outline of Genesis…………………………………….....….......152
Chart 23: God’s Two Methods of Creation……………………….........….154
Chart 24: Increase in Human Traits with Time…………….….……....200-201
Chart 25: An Example of Descent in Which Eve’s mtDNA Would
Not Have Been Passed Down After the Flood……......................................214
Chart 26: A Simple Example of Historical Genetics………………….........215
Chart 27: Relating Solar Days to Creation Days……………………...251
Chart 28: The Aspects of Creation……………………..………...…..268
Chart 29: The Framework Hypothesis………………………………..282
Chart 30: Criteria Used by the Author to Order the Creation
Chart 31: The Comparison Paul Makes in Romans 5 between
Adam’s Sin and Christ’s Act of Righteousness………………..............324
Chart 32: The View That the “First Man” Means That Adam
Was the First Man of the Human Race…………….............................341
Chart 33: The View That the “First Man” Means That Adam
Was the First Man of Adam’s Race…..………….…………..............343
Chart 34: The View That the "First Man" Means That Adam
Was the First Man of Christ's Genealogy............................................344
List of Tables……………………..……………………………..........x
Table1: Actual Biblical Life Spans………………………………........13
Table 2: Some Possible Potential Life Spans for Serug’s
Table 3: Some Possible Life Spans for Nahor I’s Wife…..……….......46
Table 4: Some Possible Life Spans for Terah’s Wife……..………......48
Table 5: God’s Common Method of Naming…………………….......115
Table 6: Features Requiring Finely Tuned Design……………...........168
Table 7: Expected and Actual Sets of Numerals Used to
Label the Creation Days………………………………....................236
Table 8: God’s Normal Steps in His Acts of Establishing……….......266
Table 9: Similarity of Words in Genesis and Acts……………...........360
Preface to Third Edition………….…...……………………….........xiii
Preface to Second Edition………….…...………………………......xiv
Preface to First Edition………………….……………………….…xv
Introduction and Thesis………………………………………………1
Espousing a Secular View of Life
A Word about the View of Divine Accommodation
Alleged Conflicts between Science and the Bible
My Approach
The Purposes of This Book
Alternate Dating of Old Testament Events
1 The Sharp Decline in Life Span Requires a Genetic Cause…………..11
Living for 900 Years
The Key to the Past
A Sharp Decline in Life Spans
Genetics Not Environment
The Decreases in Life Spans Correlate with Historical Events
Evidence from the Decrease in Reproductive Maturity
Genetic Discoveries
Average of Parents’ Potential Life Spans
2 Life Spans of Noah’s Son and Grandson Reveal Intermarriage…….....…21
Unraveling the Hidden Mystery
The Potential Life Spans of Noah’s Wife and Shem’s Wife
3 Life Spans Hold While They Dwell at Babel—Then Drop…….……..31
Shelah’s Life Span Falls near His One Probable Life Span
Eber’s Life Span Falls near His One Probable Life Span
Peleg’s Life Span Falls near One of His Two Probable Life Spans
Reu’s Life Span Falls near One of His Two Probable Life Spans
Serug’s Life Span Falls near One of His Two Probable Life Spans
Nahor I’s Life Span Falls Quite Near One of His Five Probable Life
Chapter Summary
4 Thesis Confirmed by Terah’s, Abraham’s, and Isaac’s Life Spans.......45
Terah’s Life Span Is near a Probable Life Span
Abraham’s Life Span Is near a Probable Life Span
Isaac’s Life Span Is near a Probable Potential Life Span
Potential Life Spans of Our Bible Friends
5 More Evidence from Ishmael’s Life Span and Summary……………..57
Ishmael’s Actual Life Span Also Yields Evidence for a Dual-Origin
Summary of the Evidence from Decreasing Life Spans
A Startling Hypothesis
6 A Dual-Origin Thesis Fits the Genesis Narrative..........................................……………….65
The Preciseness of the Bible
Why is This Understanding of the Bible Just Now Coming to Light
The First Creation Account Fits a Pre-Agriculural Era, but the Second Creation Account Fits the Agriculural Era
In the First Account the Earth Is Full of Vegetation When God Creates Mankind, but the Earth Is Quite Different in the Second Chapter
Naming the Animals
God's Test of Adam and Eve
A Tiny Prefix Makes a Large Difference in Meaning
Genesis 2:4 Closes Out the First Chapter of Genesis
The Hebrew Conjunction Becomes the Key
Genesis 2:4 Must Look Backward Because Hebrew Syntax Demands It.
The Error of Dividing Genesis 2:4 into Two Sentences
An Example Where No Conjunction Is Included before "These"
In Hebrew Almost Every Clause Begins with a Conjunction
No Conjunction before the Formula: No Conjunction after It
No Conjunction Before the Formula, But a Conjunction after Its Clause
A Conjunction before the Formula
Genesis 2:5 and What Follows Are Set at a Time After the Creation of Genesis 1.
The Narrative May Inform the Reader When the Next Event Has Taken Place or Will Take Place (Gen. 10:32-11:2)
How Should Genesis 2:5 Be Understood?
Genesis 11:10: No Conjunction before "These are..." and No Conjunction after "These are..."
Should the Creation Account of the Garden of Eden Alter My Conclusion about Genesis 2:5?
Does the Pluperfect Matter?
A Discussion of Additional Examples of the Presence or Absence of the Hebrew Conjunction to Help Us Understand How It Was Used
Setting the Narrative Back to a Previous Time
Examples in Which a Conjunction Is Employed and in Which No conjunction I Employed
Some Implications
Dispelling the Myths from “Mist”
“Refine,” Not “Distill”
“Into,” Not “From”
The Possessive Pronoun Its (-o) Must Be Translated
The Condensation of the Water into Rain Is Compared to Refining
Where Did the Motive to Translate 'ed by “Mist” Come From?
An Explanation of the Above Translation
The Dual-Origin Thesis Best Explains the Expression “Book of the
Generations of Adam”
The Lord God Formed a Man
Is the Dual-Origin Thesis Contradicted in Genesis 5?
Does the Meaning of the Hebrew Word Adam in Genesis 1:26 and 27
Determine Its Meaning in Genesis 5:1 and 2?
Similar Words
7 The Genesis Narrative Relates Two Methods of Creation…………………........…..117
A Note on the Above Translation
Where Do the "Men," "The Sons of God," and the "Giants" Lead Us?
Who Are the "Men" of Genesis 6:1-2?
The Sons of God Are Not the Descendants of Adam's Son, Seth
Who Were the Nephilim?
A Proper Understanding of Genesis 6:1-8
The Race of Adam's Descendants Was Finished
Why the sons of God Must Have Been Fallen Angels
What Does "[H]is days shall be one hundred and twenty years" Mean?
After What?
The Way Genesis 6:1-7 Should Be Understood
The Bible Limits Its Dealing with Mankind to the Local Area of
A Third Race of Men
How Can We Harmonize a Local Flood Scenario with God's Noahic Covenant?
Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ Is God’s Power to Save
God Blots Out “the Man”
A Superhuman Race
Why the Whole Global Race Could Have Reached a Life Span of
120 Years
Contrasting the Sons of God with the Daughters of Men
To Be Descended from the Heavens and the Earth Indicates to Be Evolved from the Heavens and the Earth
The Descendants of the Heavens and the Earth Form a Basic
A Paraphrase
Narrowing in on “These are the generations…”
Narrowing in on the Meaning of “the Heavens and the Earth”
A Revealing Layout of the Book of Genesis
Root Meanings
Chapter Postscript
8 Scientific Evidence for Descent of the Animals....................................................159
God Teaches Jacob a Lesson on the Science of Genetics
God Must Have Created New Species through Descent
The Bible and Science Both Teach Origins by Descant
Why Might God Have Created the Animals through Descent?
Methods That God Could Have Used to Create the Biosphere
Evidenced for the Existence of God from the Preciseness of God's Creative Acts
The Anthropic Principle
Some Problems with the Theory of Evolution
Harmonizing Descent and Creationism
Transitional Fossils
Evidence for the Descent of the Horse from the Eohippus?
Evidence for the Descent of Mammals
The Five-Digit Homology
Evidence of Descending Species from Vestigial Organs
Hind Legs on Snakes
Evidence of Descending Species from Pseudogenes
Evidence for Theistic Evolution from Retrotransposons
Evidence of Descending Species from Geological Distribution of Species
Evidence of Descending Species from Transitional Forms
The Story of the Whale
Summary of the Story of the Whale
Understanding the Genome
The Creation of New Species
The Baldwin Effect
Exploratory Behavior
Neural Crest Cells
Ecological Influence on the Development of Species
9 Does a Theory of Human Descent Oppose Science?.....................................................199
Pre-Human Fossils
The Fossils Show a Transition in Traits from Ape-Like to Human-Like
Australopithicus Africanus
Could Homo Habilis Talk?
Could H. Erectus Speak?
Multiplication of Tools Has Been Extremely Slow
Increasing Helplessness of the Babies at Birth and the Propensity for Social Interaction
The Coming of Migration between Islands
Homo Erectus' Skeletal Features
The Larger Brain Size of H. Erectus
Could Early H. Sapiens Talk?
What Are "Mosaic" Fossils?
The Multiregional Hypothesis vs. the Out-of-Africa Hypothesis
Applying the Field of Genetics to Questions of Origins
Founder Mutations
Which Races Share Genome with Neanderthal and Denisovan?
Marker M168
How Did God Create the First Pre-Adamic Race?
What Does It Mean to Be Human?
Coming of Accountability
10 Were the Creation Days Twenty-Four-Hour Days?..................................................229
Interpretation Depends Upon at Least Four Factors
The Seemingly Long Appearance of the Creation Days
A Revealing Subtlety in Genesis
The Key to Understanding the Days of Creation
Some Erroneous Interpretations
The Author's Choice of Numerals
An Unlikelihood
An Illogical Interpretation
A Contradiction
The Hebrew Twenty-Four-Hour Day Ended in the Evening
The Indestructible Day
In the Evening-Morning Formula the Twelve-Hour Day Is Assumed
Too Imprecise
A Different Basis of Definition
The Contemporary Hebrew
The Remaining Occurrences of the Evening and Morning Formula
Proper Assumptions
More Observations Concerning the Creation Days
God's Work Day
Moses' Contemporary Readers
A Flowing Narrative
Moses Did Not Have an Alternative Word to Use for Age
A Moving Flowing Expression
Passages Which State God Created Everything in Six Days
Viewing God's Creation Week from a Scientific Perspective
11. Why the author Arranged the Creation account as He Did............................................253
Chapter Introduction
I. The Historical Setting
II. The Division of Genesis 1 into two Creation Accounts
A. The Hebrew Verbs
B. The Two accounts of the Creation of the Luminaries
C. The Two Approaches of the two Accounts
1. The Emphasis upon the Daily Cycles in the Second Account
2. The difference between the Subjects of the Two Creation Accounts
3. The Words Create and Make
III. The Building Blocks of Genesis1:2-2:3
A. The Aspects Are Eight in Number
B. God's Normative Procedure in Establishing His Created Works in the Manner of Job 28:27
C. The reason for the author' Holding to These Steps
IV. the Author Leads the Reader to Visualize God's Creative Acts
A. The Formula And It Was So
B. Reasons for So Much Repetition
V. The Identity of the Light Bearers in Both Accounts
A. The Lack of Reference to the source of Light
B. The Identical Purposes for the Light
C. God's Pronouncement upon the Light
D. The System of Light Bearers was Required to Produce Day and Night
E. Naming the Light
F. A Violation of Purpose
VI. Interpreting Days 1 and 4
VII. The ordering of Creation Events as Influenced by a Logical Progression through Time
VIII. The Dual Triad Arrangement
IX. Putting It All Together
A. Order of the Narrative Not Entirely Chronological
B. The Author's "Building Blocks"
C. A Summary of the two Triads
D. Summarizing the Author's Criteria for Determining the Order
E. The Author's Use of Simplification
1. Simplification by Consolidation
2. Simplification through a Narrative Genre
X. Relating the Scientific Scenario to the Bible narrative
A. "Let There Be Light"
B. "Let There Be an Expanse..."
C. "Let the Dry Land Appear"
D. "Let the Earth Sprout Vegetation"
E. "Let There Be Lights in the Expanse"
F. "Let the Waters Teem with Swarms of Living Creatures"
G. "Let the Earth Bring forth Living Creatures"
H. "Let Us Make Man"
XI. Alternative Interpretations
A. Interpreting the Text as Saying That the Luminaries Became Visible on Day 4
B. Interpreting "Made" as "Brought Forth"
12 What About Noah's Flood--Wasn't It Universal?.........................................................297
What about Peter's Words
Does the Genesis Account Require the Flood to Be Universal
Dating the Flood
Are the Remains of the Ark on Mt. Ararat?
Why the Ark?
What about the Numerous Flood Myths?
The Problem
How Flood Stories Might Form Naturally
The Flood Stories That Resemble the Biblical Account
Were There Tale-Bearing Visitors before 1492?
Possibly the Most Likely Solution
Nu-u and the Hawaiian Tradition
The Flood Story in Alaska
New Year Observances
Chapter Conclusion
13 Was Adam the First Man to Sin?......................................................................315
Doesn't the Bible Teach That Sin Entered the Human Race at the Time of Adam?
Justification by Faith
Understanding the Two Types of Sin
The Origin of Man's Sinfulness
Adam's Sin Passed to All Men by Imputation
Are We Guilty of Adam's Transgression Because We Were in Adam and a Part of Adam When He Sinned?
Another Incorrect View of How sin Is Passed from Adam
A Contrast between the Results of Adam's Sin and the Results of Christ's Obedience
Paul's Use of the Article Reveals the True Meaning of Romans 5:12
What the Greek Verb Indicates
14 Other Verses That Seem to Contradict the Dual-Origin Thesis.................................331
Was Eve the Mother of the Whole Human Race?
What About the Plain Statement in Exodus 20 and 31, Stating That God Created the Heavens and the Earth in Six Days?
Does the Biblical Phrase After Their Kind Mean That the Animals Were Not Created by Descent?
What Does It Mean to Be "in Adam"?
Doesn't Ecclesiastes Teach That God Made Adam with a Righteous Nature?
A Challenging Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:45
The Text Does Not Say "the Second Adam" but "the last Adam"
The Spiritual Body Replaces the Fleshly Body
Christ, the First in His Own Lineage
Three Interpretations
No Contradiction
Interpretations Found in Bible Commentaries
A Textual Variant
"The First Man" Contrasted with "the Second Man" (1 Cor. 15:47)
What does Bearing the Image of Adam Mean?
Was Man Created at the Beginning or the End of the Creation Account?
Did Paul Teach That all Peoples Descended from One Man?
A Possible Interpretation
William M. Ramsay's View
But What If the Word "Blood" Were Included?
Didn't Paul Teach That Womankind All Came From Adam through Eve?
Paul Has Nothing against Women
The Context
The Two Purposes for the Veil
"The Woman Belongs to the Man" Is the Best Translation
But What About the Words "Adam Who Was First Created" in 1 Timothy 2:13?
15 Correcting Where We Went Amiss.........................................................371
The Firm Historical Basis of the Christian Faith
Returning to Faith in God's Revelation of Truth
Dealing with the Problem of Evil
God's Plan Involved Suffering and Death
Why Does God Hide Himself from Us?
Why Must We Have Faith?
The Uncertainty Principle
Why Did God Wait Until the time of Adam and Eve to Test Mankind?
Explaining a Dual Origin Creation to Our Children and Grandchildren
Dealing with the Concept of Human Origins from Descent
A. A Critic of Robert Jamieson’s Reasons for Rejecting a Similar Thesis
B. Calculations Showing Why Lamech Was Probably of Pure Adamic “Blood”
C. Calculations for the Potential Life Spans of Bethuel’s Wife and Others
D. A Study of the Hebrew Conjunction in Regards to the Formula “These Are the Generations of…”
E. Understanding the Purposes of the Hebrew Conjunctions in the Account of God's Eden Project
E. Evidence from the Hebrew Article That Genesis 5:1 Should Read, “In the day when God created Adam [not man]”
F. Reasons for Placing the Garden of Eden along the Median River
G. Support for the View that “One Hundred and Twenty Years” Means Individual Life Spans
H. An Interesting Way in Hebrew of Setting the Stage
I. The Error of Translating “Made” as “Brought Forth” with Regard to the Lights
J. Traditional Views on the Location of the Docking of Noah’s Ark
K. A List of Occurrences of Sin in Romans, Showing Whether or Not Paul Included the Article
L. Does Romans 9:3-6 Contradict the Rule Which Limits the Use of the Greek Preposition ek
M. Why the Common Translations of 1 Corinthians 11:8 and 12 Are in
N. A Short Rebuttal against the View of Divine Accommodation
Index of Selected Biblical References…...……………………………..474
Thank you for visiting my blog on my book New Evidence for Two Human Origins: Discoveries That Reconcile the Bible and Science. Here is an extended table of contents that may be helpful to communicate to you the topics that are discussed in this book: CAUTION: THIS EXTENDED TABLE OF CONTENTS IS BEING UPDATED FROM THE 2009 EDITION TO THE 2015 EDITION. IT IS NOT ALL CORRECT!
List of Charts………………………………………………………..……....x
Chart 1: Relative Order of Events Relevant to the Thesis..............................7
Chart 2: Actual Life Spans of Adam’s Descendants…..................................16
Chart 3: Potential Life Spans of Four Generations after a Mixed
Marriage between the Races…………………………….……......................25
Chart 4: How Close Shem’s Life Span Is to One of His
Probable Life Spans…………………………….……….……......................27
Chart 5: How Close Arpachshad’s Life Span Is to One of
His Probable Life Spans………………………………….…….....................28
Chart 6: How Close Shelah’s Life Span Is to His One most
Probable Life Span…….……………………………………….....................33
Chart 7: How Close Eber’s Life Span Is to His One Most
Probable Life Span………………………..……………………....................34
Chart 8: How Close Peleg’s Life Span Is to One of His Most
Probable Life Span………....………..……………………………................37
Chart 9: How Close Reu’s Life Span Is to One of His
Probable Life Spans…………………………..……………….......................39
Chart 10: How Close Serug’s Life Span Is to One of His
Probable Life Spans…………….……….…………………….......................40
Chart 11: How Close Nahor I’s Life Span Is to One of His
Probable Life Spans…………….……………………………........................43
Chart 12: How Close Terah’s Life Span Is to One of His
Probable Life Spans…………….……………………………........................47
Chart 13: How Close Abraham’s Life Span Is to One of His
Probable Life Spans…………….……………………………........................49
Chart 14: How Close Isaac’s Life Span Is to One of His Probable
Life Spans………………………………………………….….......................51
Chart 15: Family Tree Back to Noah with Potential and Actual
Life Spans…………………………………………………......................52-55
Chart 16: Known Life Spans Compared with Probable
Theoretical Life Spans…………………………………………....................59
Chart 17: The Meaning of the Hebrew Word ’ed in Job 36:27…………......98
Chart 18: The Narrative through the Merging of the Races…………….....107
Chart 19: Implications of the Phrase "the sons of God"...............................136
Chart 20: The Structure of the Book of Genesis……………….....……….146
Chart 21: An Erroneous Interpretation……………………….....………....147
Chart 22: Outline of Genesis…………………………………….....….......152
Chart 23: God’s Two Methods of Creation……………………….........….154
Chart 24: Increase in Human Traits with Time…………….….……....200-201
Chart 25: An Example of Descent in Which Eve’s mtDNA Would
Not Have Been Passed Down After the Flood……......................................214
Chart 26: A Simple Example of Historical Genetics………………….........215
Chart 27: Relating Solar Days to Creation Days……………………...251
Chart 28: The Aspects of Creation……………………..………...…..268
Chart 29: The Framework Hypothesis………………………………..282
Chart 30: Criteria Used by the Author to Order the Creation
Chart 31: The Comparison Paul Makes in Romans 5 between
Adam’s Sin and Christ’s Act of Righteousness………………..............324
Chart 32: The View That the “First Man” Means That Adam
Was the First Man of the Human Race…………….............................341
Chart 33: The View That the “First Man” Means That Adam
Was the First Man of Adam’s Race…..………….…………..............343
Chart 34: The View That the "First Man" Means That Adam
Was the First Man of Christ's Genealogy............................................344
List of Tables……………………..……………………………..........x
Table1: Actual Biblical Life Spans………………………………........13
Table 2: Some Possible Potential Life Spans for Serug’s
Table 3: Some Possible Life Spans for Nahor I’s Wife…..……….......46
Table 4: Some Possible Life Spans for Terah’s Wife……..………......48
Table 5: God’s Common Method of Naming…………………….......115
Table 6: Features Requiring Finely Tuned Design……………...........168
Table 7: Expected and Actual Sets of Numerals Used to
Label the Creation Days………………………………....................236
Table 8: God’s Normal Steps in His Acts of Establishing……….......266
Table 9: Similarity of Words in Genesis and Acts……………...........360
Preface to Third Edition………….…...……………………….........xiii
Preface to Second Edition………….…...………………………......xiv
Preface to First Edition………………….……………………….…xv
Introduction and Thesis………………………………………………1
Espousing a Secular View of Life
A Word about the View of Divine Accommodation
Alleged Conflicts between Science and the Bible
My Approach
The Purposes of This Book
Alternate Dating of Old Testament Events
1 The Sharp Decline in Life Span Requires a Genetic Cause…………..11
Living for 900 Years
The Key to the Past
A Sharp Decline in Life Spans
Genetics Not Environment
The Decreases in Life Spans Correlate with Historical Events
Evidence from the Decrease in Reproductive Maturity
Genetic Discoveries
Average of Parents’ Potential Life Spans
2 Life Spans of Noah’s Son and Grandson Reveal Intermarriage…….....…21
Unraveling the Hidden Mystery
The Potential Life Spans of Noah’s Wife and Shem’s Wife
3 Life Spans Hold While They Dwell at Babel—Then Drop…….……..31
Shelah’s Life Span Falls near His One Probable Life Span
Eber’s Life Span Falls near His One Probable Life Span
Peleg’s Life Span Falls near One of His Two Probable Life Spans
Reu’s Life Span Falls near One of His Two Probable Life Spans
Serug’s Life Span Falls near One of His Two Probable Life Spans
Nahor I’s Life Span Falls Quite Near One of His Five Probable Life
Chapter Summary
4 Thesis Confirmed by Terah’s, Abraham’s, and Isaac’s Life Spans.......45
Terah’s Life Span Is near a Probable Life Span
Abraham’s Life Span Is near a Probable Life Span
Isaac’s Life Span Is near a Probable Potential Life Span
Potential Life Spans of Our Bible Friends
5 More Evidence from Ishmael’s Life Span and Summary……………..57
Ishmael’s Actual Life Span Also Yields Evidence for a Dual-Origin
Summary of the Evidence from Decreasing Life Spans
A Startling Hypothesis
6 A Dual-Origin Thesis Fits the Genesis Narrative..........................................……………….65
The Preciseness of the Bible
Why is This Understanding of the Bible Just Now Coming to Light
The First Creation Account Fits a Pre-Agriculural Era, but the Second Creation Account Fits the Agriculural Era
In the First Account the Earth Is Full of Vegetation When God Creates Mankind, but the Earth Is Quite Different in the Second Chapter
Naming the Animals
God's Test of Adam and Eve
A Tiny Prefix Makes a Large Difference in Meaning
Genesis 2:4 Closes Out the First Chapter of Genesis
The Hebrew Conjunction Becomes the Key
Genesis 2:4 Must Look Backward Because Hebrew Syntax Demands It.
The Error of Dividing Genesis 2:4 into Two Sentences
An Example Where No Conjunction Is Included before "These"
In Hebrew Almost Every Clause Begins with a Conjunction
No Conjunction before the Formula: No Conjunction after It
No Conjunction Before the Formula, But a Conjunction after Its Clause
A Conjunction before the Formula
Genesis 2:5 and What Follows Are Set at a Time After the Creation of Genesis 1.
The Narrative May Inform the Reader When the Next Event Has Taken Place or Will Take Place (Gen. 10:32-11:2)
How Should Genesis 2:5 Be Understood?
Genesis 11:10: No Conjunction before "These are..." and No Conjunction after "These are..."
Should the Creation Account of the Garden of Eden Alter My Conclusion about Genesis 2:5?
Does the Pluperfect Matter?
A Discussion of Additional Examples of the Presence or Absence of the Hebrew Conjunction to Help Us Understand How It Was Used
Setting the Narrative Back to a Previous Time
Examples in Which a Conjunction Is Employed and in Which No conjunction I Employed
Some Implications
Dispelling the Myths from “Mist”
“Refine,” Not “Distill”
“Into,” Not “From”
The Possessive Pronoun Its (-o) Must Be Translated
The Condensation of the Water into Rain Is Compared to Refining
Where Did the Motive to Translate 'ed by “Mist” Come From?
An Explanation of the Above Translation
The Dual-Origin Thesis Best Explains the Expression “Book of the
Generations of Adam”
The Lord God Formed a Man
Is the Dual-Origin Thesis Contradicted in Genesis 5?
Does the Meaning of the Hebrew Word Adam in Genesis 1:26 and 27
Determine Its Meaning in Genesis 5:1 and 2?
Similar Words
7 The Genesis Narrative Relates Two Methods of Creation…………………........…..117
A Note on the Above Translation
Where Do the "Men," "The Sons of God," and the "Giants" Lead Us?
Who Are the "Men" of Genesis 6:1-2?
The Sons of God Are Not the Descendants of Adam's Son, Seth
Who Were the Nephilim?
A Proper Understanding of Genesis 6:1-8
The Race of Adam's Descendants Was Finished
Why the sons of God Must Have Been Fallen Angels
What Does "[H]is days shall be one hundred and twenty years" Mean?
After What?
The Way Genesis 6:1-7 Should Be Understood
The Bible Limits Its Dealing with Mankind to the Local Area of
A Third Race of Men
How Can We Harmonize a Local Flood Scenario with God's Noahic Covenant?
Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ Is God’s Power to Save
God Blots Out “the Man”
A Superhuman Race
Why the Whole Global Race Could Have Reached a Life Span of
120 Years
Contrasting the Sons of God with the Daughters of Men
To Be Descended from the Heavens and the Earth Indicates to Be Evolved from the Heavens and the Earth
The Descendants of the Heavens and the Earth Form a Basic
A Paraphrase
Narrowing in on “These are the generations…”
Narrowing in on the Meaning of “the Heavens and the Earth”
A Revealing Layout of the Book of Genesis
Root Meanings
Chapter Postscript
8 Scientific Evidence for Descent of the Animals....................................................159
God Teaches Jacob a Lesson on the Science of Genetics
God Must Have Created New Species through Descent
The Bible and Science Both Teach Origins by Descant
Why Might God Have Created the Animals through Descent?
Methods That God Could Have Used to Create the Biosphere
Evidenced for the Existence of God from the Preciseness of God's Creative Acts
The Anthropic Principle
Some Problems with the Theory of Evolution
Harmonizing Descent and Creationism
Transitional Fossils
Evidence for the Descent of the Horse from the Eohippus?
Evidence for the Descent of Mammals
The Five-Digit Homology
Evidence of Descending Species from Vestigial Organs
Hind Legs on Snakes
Evidence of Descending Species from Pseudogenes
Evidence for Theistic Evolution from Retrotransposons
Evidence of Descending Species from Geological Distribution of Species
Evidence of Descending Species from Transitional Forms
The Story of the Whale
Summary of the Story of the Whale
Understanding the Genome
The Creation of New Species
The Baldwin Effect
Exploratory Behavior
Neural Crest Cells
Ecological Influence on the Development of Species
9 Does a Theory of Human Descent Oppose Science?.....................................................199
Pre-Human Fossils
The Fossils Show a Transition in Traits from Ape-Like to Human-Like
Australopithicus Africanus
Could Homo Habilis Talk?
Could H. Erectus Speak?
Multiplication of Tools Has Been Extremely Slow
Increasing Helplessness of the Babies at Birth and the Propensity for Social Interaction
The Coming of Migration between Islands
Homo Erectus' Skeletal Features
The Larger Brain Size of H. Erectus
Could Early H. Sapiens Talk?
What Are "Mosaic" Fossils?
The Multiregional Hypothesis vs. the Out-of-Africa Hypothesis
Applying the Field of Genetics to Questions of Origins
Founder Mutations
Which Races Share Genome with Neanderthal and Denisovan?
Marker M168
How Did God Create the First Pre-Adamic Race?
What Does It Mean to Be Human?
Coming of Accountability
10 Were the Creation Days Twenty-Four-Hour Days?..................................................229
Interpretation Depends Upon at Least Four Factors
The Seemingly Long Appearance of the Creation Days
A Revealing Subtlety in Genesis
The Key to Understanding the Days of Creation
Some Erroneous Interpretations
The Author's Choice of Numerals
An Unlikelihood
An Illogical Interpretation
A Contradiction
The Hebrew Twenty-Four-Hour Day Ended in the Evening
The Indestructible Day
In the Evening-Morning Formula the Twelve-Hour Day Is Assumed
Too Imprecise
A Different Basis of Definition
The Contemporary Hebrew
The Remaining Occurrences of the Evening and Morning Formula
Proper Assumptions
More Observations Concerning the Creation Days
God's Work Day
Moses' Contemporary Readers
A Flowing Narrative
Moses Did Not Have an Alternative Word to Use for Age
A Moving Flowing Expression
Passages Which State God Created Everything in Six Days
Viewing God's Creation Week from a Scientific Perspective
11. Why the author Arranged the Creation account as He Did............................................253
Chapter Introduction
I. The Historical Setting
II. The Division of Genesis 1 into two Creation Accounts
A. The Hebrew Verbs
B. The Two accounts of the Creation of the Luminaries
C. The Two Approaches of the two Accounts
1. The Emphasis upon the Daily Cycles in the Second Account
2. The difference between the Subjects of the Two Creation Accounts
3. The Words Create and Make
III. The Building Blocks of Genesis1:2-2:3
A. The Aspects Are Eight in Number
B. God's Normative Procedure in Establishing His Created Works in the Manner of Job 28:27
C. The reason for the author' Holding to These Steps
IV. the Author Leads the Reader to Visualize God's Creative Acts
A. The Formula And It Was So
B. Reasons for So Much Repetition
V. The Identity of the Light Bearers in Both Accounts
A. The Lack of Reference to the source of Light
B. The Identical Purposes for the Light
C. God's Pronouncement upon the Light
D. The System of Light Bearers was Required to Produce Day and Night
E. Naming the Light
F. A Violation of Purpose
VI. Interpreting Days 1 and 4
VII. The ordering of Creation Events as Influenced by a Logical Progression through Time
VIII. The Dual Triad Arrangement
IX. Putting It All Together
A. Order of the Narrative Not Entirely Chronological
B. The Author's "Building Blocks"
C. A Summary of the two Triads
D. Summarizing the Author's Criteria for Determining the Order
E. The Author's Use of Simplification
1. Simplification by Consolidation
2. Simplification through a Narrative Genre
X. Relating the Scientific Scenario to the Bible narrative
A. "Let There Be Light"
B. "Let There Be an Expanse..."
C. "Let the Dry Land Appear"
D. "Let the Earth Sprout Vegetation"
E. "Let There Be Lights in the Expanse"
F. "Let the Waters Teem with Swarms of Living Creatures"
G. "Let the Earth Bring forth Living Creatures"
H. "Let Us Make Man"
XI. Alternative Interpretations
A. Interpreting the Text as Saying That the Luminaries Became Visible on Day 4
B. Interpreting "Made" as "Brought Forth"
12 What About Noah's Flood--Wasn't It Universal?.........................................................297
What about Peter's Words
Does the Genesis Account Require the Flood to Be Universal
Dating the Flood
Are the Remains of the Ark on Mt. Ararat?
Why the Ark?
What about the Numerous Flood Myths?
The Problem
How Flood Stories Might Form Naturally
The Flood Stories That Resemble the Biblical Account
Were There Tale-Bearing Visitors before 1492?
Possibly the Most Likely Solution
Nu-u and the Hawaiian Tradition
The Flood Story in Alaska
New Year Observances
Chapter Conclusion
13 Was Adam the First Man to Sin?......................................................................315
Doesn't the Bible Teach That Sin Entered the Human Race at the Time of Adam?
Justification by Faith
Understanding the Two Types of Sin
The Origin of Man's Sinfulness
Adam's Sin Passed to All Men by Imputation
Are We Guilty of Adam's Transgression Because We Were in Adam and a Part of Adam When He Sinned?
Another Incorrect View of How sin Is Passed from Adam
A Contrast between the Results of Adam's Sin and the Results of Christ's Obedience
Paul's Use of the Article Reveals the True Meaning of Romans 5:12
What the Greek Verb Indicates
14 Other Verses That Seem to Contradict the Dual-Origin Thesis.................................331
Was Eve the Mother of the Whole Human Race?
What About the Plain Statement in Exodus 20 and 31, Stating That God Created the Heavens and the Earth in Six Days?
Does the Biblical Phrase After Their Kind Mean That the Animals Were Not Created by Descent?
What Does It Mean to Be "in Adam"?
Doesn't Ecclesiastes Teach That God Made Adam with a Righteous Nature?
A Challenging Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:45
The Text Does Not Say "the Second Adam" but "the last Adam"
The Spiritual Body Replaces the Fleshly Body
Christ, the First in His Own Lineage
Three Interpretations
No Contradiction
Interpretations Found in Bible Commentaries
A Textual Variant
"The First Man" Contrasted with "the Second Man" (1 Cor. 15:47)
What does Bearing the Image of Adam Mean?
Was Man Created at the Beginning or the End of the Creation Account?
Did Paul Teach That all Peoples Descended from One Man?
A Possible Interpretation
William M. Ramsay's View
But What If the Word "Blood" Were Included?
Didn't Paul Teach That Womankind All Came From Adam through Eve?
Paul Has Nothing against Women
The Context
The Two Purposes for the Veil
"The Woman Belongs to the Man" Is the Best Translation
But What About the Words "Adam Who Was First Created" in 1 Timothy 2:13?
15 Correcting Where We Went Amiss.........................................................371
The Firm Historical Basis of the Christian Faith
Returning to Faith in God's Revelation of Truth
Dealing with the Problem of Evil
God's Plan Involved Suffering and Death
Why Does God Hide Himself from Us?
Why Must We Have Faith?
The Uncertainty Principle
Why Did God Wait Until the time of Adam and Eve to Test Mankind?
Explaining a Dual Origin Creation to Our Children and Grandchildren
Dealing with the Concept of Human Origins from Descent
A. A Critic of Robert Jamieson’s Reasons for Rejecting a Similar Thesis
B. Calculations Showing Why Lamech Was Probably of Pure Adamic “Blood”
C. Calculations for the Potential Life Spans of Bethuel’s Wife and Others
D. A Study of the Hebrew Conjunction in Regards to the Formula “These Are the Generations of…”
E. Understanding the Purposes of the Hebrew Conjunctions in the Account of God's Eden Project
E. Evidence from the Hebrew Article That Genesis 5:1 Should Read, “In the day when God created Adam [not man]”
F. Reasons for Placing the Garden of Eden along the Median River
G. Support for the View that “One Hundred and Twenty Years” Means Individual Life Spans
H. An Interesting Way in Hebrew of Setting the Stage
I. The Error of Translating “Made” as “Brought Forth” with Regard to the Lights
J. Traditional Views on the Location of the Docking of Noah’s Ark
K. A List of Occurrences of Sin in Romans, Showing Whether or Not Paul Included the Article
L. Does Romans 9:3-6 Contradict the Rule Which Limits the Use of the Greek Preposition ek
M. Why the Common Translations of 1 Corinthians 11:8 and 12 Are in
N. A Short Rebuttal against the View of Divine Accommodation
Index of Selected Biblical References…...……………………………..474
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